We design, build and test in-situ resource utilization technologies to support living off the land on the Moon and Mars.


Interested to find out more? Here are the points of contact for current Space Resources Workshop teams (kerberos in brackets)

  • For the 2025 NASA Challenges — RASC-AL, Centennial Challenge, Human Lander Challenge and Lunar Autonomy Challenge — please reach out to the team leads Annika Thomas, Beverly Ma, Jose Soto, Lanie McKinney, Madelyn Hoying, Mollie Johnson and Palak Patel (srw-admins)
  • For the MARTEMIS project (2024), please reach out to Lanie McKinney (laniemck)
  • For the Homesteading Mars: Pale Red Dot team (2023), please reach out to Madelyn Hoying (hoyingm) or George Lordos (glordos)
  • For the ARTEMIS Steelworks team (2023), please reach out to Palak Patel (palak) or Jose Soto (josesoto).
  • For the BART & MARGE Mars water-based ISRU architecture team, please reach out to Chloe Gentgen (cgentgen)
  • For the WORMS extreme terrain access robotic mobility team, please reach out to George Lordos (glordos), Jacob Rodriguez (jacobrod) or Cesar Meza (mezace17).
  • For the deployable lunar tower MELLTT / SELTI team, please reach out to Alex Miller (asmiller).
  • For the Mars Ice team (HYDRATION III), older projects, or for any other questions, please reach out to SRW founder George Lordos (glordos).